Inspired by "The Unbending Tree":
I am the silent parasite
Hidden in a corner of your attic,
Snaking night lyrics
Along your piano keys
You're the cocoon of my greedy ways
Wrapped in my red velvet train,
Feeding my being
When you play out your brain
From behind the wood of your thoughts
I suck your fingers and eyes
Under your antique songs
Bewitched, I give you my sighs
Scared by the moonlight that flooded your room
I try to climb your soughing curtain of thrill
But your pensive act, diffused in my every dream,
Turns into a little piece of vinyl.
- to Mr. Balázs Havasi
This is a simple explicit poem about me being a parasite,
because I write lyrics on Havasi's music.
I pictured being a bug somewhere in his attic.
"The wood of your thoughts" is his piano
and the "little piece of vinyl" is a CD.
superba piesa! :)